Monday, 27 May 2019

New data = A new focus group and a new focus question

As seen in the slide deck above, I have recently completed reading testing with my class. Upon analysing data, I realised that I needed to change my inquiry focus as well as my focus group. The paragraph in the slide deck explains the reason behind these changes.

My new question for this term is 'how do I lift achievement in comprehension for students reading above ten years?'

During our collaborative inquiry meeting, my inquiry group gave me some suggestions. A couple of people said that I should focus on teaching my Hulk and Wonderwoman reading groups new vocabulary. The more vocabulary that students have, the more that they will understand difficult texts. I looked at the reading tests again, and I saw that the comprehension questions that students struggled with were mostly the ones that included difficult vocabulary. So, this term, I will be focussing on gifting and discussing new vocabulary with these two groups.