This year I am teaching in an ILE which we have named 'The Block' alongside two other teachers. We have 76 children in our space.
My inquiry question this year is:
How can play based maths increase maths knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts?
-DMIC style lessons with half the class at a time, working in groups with materials like toys and fun maths resources. I will question them and we will have discussions which will give them time to show their thinking by moving materials and talking about them.
-Free play with maths games like snakes and ladders, dice games, cards, mathematical card games.
-Planned play with lego, toys etc in small groups to teach strategy and concepts - eg multiplication ‘show me 5 groups of dinosaurs… how many in each group?’
-I want to get creative and make new maths games so that I have a large range of resources.
I am excited to see what happens when I teach children how to use materials when solving problems and my goal for them by the end of 2020 is that they can get to the point where they will know when to use materials and where to get them from without my prompting.
I am also excited to use games and create a lot of fun, hands on resources for my class to use this year. I believe that a lot of learning happens when playing games and I haven't done enough of this in previous years! As amazing as digital technology is, I believe hands on learning activities/games are also crucial for children to engage in maths.
Maths has already been such a positive experience for the children and I'm having a lot more fun teaching it this way! They have been having a lot of fun and haven't realised that they are actually learning through the games. They're playing games that relate to the area of learning that I am currently teaching them as well as games that give them time to practice basic maths knowledge like bonds to 10 and counting on. I will keep creating new games and resources as the year goes on.
It has been awesome to hear the conversations and see how children are helping each other in their learning. They have been playing games in mixed ability grouping and naturally those that are challenged are being helped by their friends! It's also great to hear them practice counting aloud whist playing together and learn how to use materials to problem solve.
Here are some photos of what we have been doing so far.
Here are some photos of what we have been doing so far.